October 22, 2009
I recently picked up the new Anthropologie catalog (arg I missed September's though...) and wanted to share a few lovely pages.

I noticed a trend in the catalogs...the models are not stickly skinny. Hooray! I am happy to see that Anthropologie has been featuring models that have more realistic figures, now if they would feature some petite girls. *hehe* Since I'm a petite girl and sometimes their clothes just kind of drown me. Especially the coats and sweaters.

{click on picture to see larger version}
anthropologie-oct09-1 anthropologie-oct09-2 anthropologie-oct09-3 anthropologie-oct09-4 anthropologie-oct09-5 anthropologie-oct09-6


  1. Wow, just wow! ^_^ And how lovely that Anthropologie just opened their first UK store!

  2. I have been noticing that too! The most recent free people catalog was the same way....the models looked great; they were thin, but definitely way more fit...they had muscle tone and curves!

  3. I loved the artistic look of Anthropologie catalogs and this one was one of the prettiest, I thought. It is so nice when they have real (er) girls in the photos!


  4. Sexy lady BTW I like your artwork keep it up.

    Maria[dress shirt]


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