October 17, 2009
Inspirations from Marie Antoinette... hope all of you had a lovely Saturday!

Tid Bits: 1. Marie Antoinette never actually said "Let them eat cake", 2. On the day of her death Marie Antoinette wore purple mules, 3. Marie Antoinette was the 15th child out of 16, 4. 216 years and 1 day ago Marie Antoinette was guillotined (Oct 16th, 1793)


  1. You've made me want to watch th Sofia Coppola film again. So visually splendid.

  2. I love this post, plenty of inspiration and I love the little facts at the end =)

  3. Very beautiful. :)

  4. Great images, i'll have to watch the film as i've not seen it!

  5. brilliant, thanks for the tidbits. now i'm stoked to watch the film. i just read the review on another blog and a track from the movie on yet another blog.


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a little comment, I do try to respond back as often as I can. Have a lovely day! xoxo - Rodellee