Oh goodness, these are so beautiful and truly inspiring me to get new photos done for Adore Vintage. I haven't done a photoshoot in a very, very long time. I think the last shoot I did was "Belle Epoque" with my gorgeous friend, Tara, and photographer Gregory Gore which was about TWO years ago!
Anyhow, I've been chatting with a friend of Justin's who is an INCREDIBLE photographer. So hopefully we will be able to work together soon and have some phone on a photo shoot. I always love doing shoots, they're just a lot of work and I get very exhausted by the end of the day. But I'm crossing my fingers this gets off and going soon!
Image credits: 1.] Lolitas.se, 2.] Scout Holiday, 3.] Young Mind, 4.] Imvershwinden, 5.] Rennart.co.uk
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