
September 17, 2012

Vintage Shop Update | Alpine West Collection

The vintage clothing shop has been updated with a fresh stock of vintage dresses, vintage skirts, and vintage bags. This vintage shop update is a bit past due since I meant to add all these products LAST week, but as always I am a busy bee trying to juggle multiple roles and hats at the same time.

Click here to shop vintage clothing from Adored Vintage shop new collection Alpine West

I've been praying for a bit of clarity though for different things in my life and just trying to be more purposeful with all my days. I always love this time of year, there's a newness in the air that is just so refreshing for my mind, spirit, and soul. Most people get thrilled about the new year and starting afresh, for me that comes in Autumn when the weather makes a shift to cozy sweaters and tights.

Click here to shop vintage clothing from Adored Vintage, vintage skirts

Click here to shop vintage clothing from Adored Vintage, vintage dresses

Click here to shop vintage clothing from Adored Vintage, vintage handbags vintage bags

So, the vintage stocked in the shop this week are those perfectly Autumnal pieces that you can still wear if its a bit warm out and great for wearing with boots, oxfords, tights...or if you're southern California like I am and it's strangely still 90-something despite it being mid can still wear these with easy sandals.

adored vintage // a curated vintage clothing + accessories shop


  1. I think your label is so amazing and inspiring..
    I love it, thank u so much, x

  2. This is so delightful.. love the theme!


  3. The 50's paisley dress is adorable!!! Love it!

  4. This discussion is very focused on the topic and I’m satisfied with the researched material as is is authentic and unbiased


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a little comment, I do try to respond back as often as I can. Have a lovely day! xoxo - Rodellee