
December 3, 2013

Episode 3 & 4 of Miss Phryne's Fisher Wardrobe

Episode 3 and Episode 4 of Miss Phryne's Murder Mysteries, the Australian crime period drama series, had several 1920s outfits I liked. It's also when we start seeing a repeat of some of Phryne's wardrobe and repetitions of other character's clothing. I do love it when a tv show recycles clothing, especially in period series as I feel it's much more authentic to the era.

Without further ado, clothing and ensembles from the set in the 1920s tv series, Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. And as always, screen caps from Grande Caps/Period-Drama.

This cardigan and blouse worn by Dot is one of my favorites. The colors are so sweet.

Isn't this tweed suit just amazing! Phryne looks so good in red!

This red ensemble is a repeat! Hooray!

Dot's blouse with the bow is just so cute! I think my personal wardrobe is a blending of Phryne's and Dot's closet. I'd like to think so anyway :)


  1. I need that tweed suit in my life... UGH, too good.

  2. you got me watching this show!! thank you, i am loving it!


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