January 7, 2010

My haircut from September is in that awkward growing out stage where it's about shoulder length but not quite long enough to do anything with... so now I am pondering if I should get bangs or continue with the growing out? Hmm...


  1. I think bangs are a way of cutting your hair, without really cutting your hair! We women seem to really need to freshen up our look here and there, and the great thing about bangs is that it allows you to continue your goal of growing out your hair, while refreshing your eyes at the same time and giving you a new look :)

  2. cutee!! i love the firts hair!! mmm i prefer the long hair, but depends of the needs and your face shape ;) good luck.

  3. ooh so sassy. i covet these too. the 2nd one is classic. won't go wrong.

  4. love them all! im feeling the same way...want to cut my hair into a long bob,its been growing for ages though -Im kinda attached.
    i did read somewhere to make a change this year! change is good...and to dump your hairdresser if she/he hasnt suggested a change for you in over a year!


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