June 27, 2012
Today I had to call a showroom owner to get some marketing/merchandising advice (for my day job, not A | V) and was introduced to this brand called Haute Hippie. I think somewhere along the time of me living in LA I've heard of this brand but never really cared to look it up until today (since I had to, for research)

I saw these AWESOME photos of their stores in New York and I am totally completely in love!

Haute Hippie Retail Shop Inspiration Haute Hippie Retail Shop Inspiration Haute Hippie Retail Shop Inspiration Haute Hippie Retail Shop Inspiration

This is definitely the direction I want to go in for ADORED VINTAGE when the time is right. For now, wishful thinking and dreaming...but always nice to have something to work towards and look forward to.

Haute Hippie Retail Shop Inspiration Haute Hippie Retail Shop Inspiration Haute Hippie Retail Shop Inspiration Haute Hippie Retail Shop Inspiration

So on Friday I am picking up some new industrial clothing racks for my vintage atelier! I'm getting a deal on them from one of the showroom owners I know here in LA. Yippie skippie! At first I was only going to buy 1 since I only have space for 1, but I figured they're such a steal I better buy all she has!

I think over the summer I'll really put some more effort into decorating my work studio. I've been liking the layout for the most part right now, but I know there has to be a different way of placing things so the space is utilized in the best way.

Right now it's just mostly a really pretty storage room...


  1. Hi
    i am kevin from usa This is a awesome blog I read it If you want to Fashion Clothing Stores Then Please visit http://www.clothingk.com/

  2. Gorgeous photos! Loving the rug on the floor!


  3. It looks beautiful! thank you so much :)


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