October 11, 2009

$15.00 - Vintage "First Aid" Metal Box available @ Olea Vintage Is it weird to think this would make a cute lunch box for a little kid? *hehe*


  1. I just found your blog, and I simply adore it! It's an absolute feast for my eyes =)!

  2. not weird at all. i thought of that too ;)

  3. I love it, I'd use it as a lunch box now (and would have loved it as a kid!)

  4. An insightful post on Vintage Clothing Blog
    I did come across a websitehttp://www.gotoaid.com/. It’s has all information on first aid emergencies. It has information on Human emergencies and even for pets like cat or dog. Hope it help you guys too.

    Signature: Online First Aid Kit


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a little comment, I do try to respond back as often as I can. Have a lovely day! xoxo - Rodellee