October 22, 2010
I am inspired by the pretty dark things at the moment. A bit mysterious, a little ghoulish, but still lovely. Just enough to give chills but still inspire. I hope you enjoy the poem below by Rose Terry Cooke.

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Night Comes Creeping
Night comes creeping slowly o'er me,
Like a vapor cold and gray;
Dim the track that lies before me,
Lost the lingering smile of day.

As a river, nearing ocean,
Drops the brooklet's merry bell,
I forget hope's wild emotion;
Love and life, farewell, farewell!

Eyes above me raining sorrow,
Lips too tender to be true,
In the sunshine of tomorrow
Glow and sweetness shall renew.

I have trod a weary measure,
Fairy-tales no more I tell.
False is pain, and fleeting pleasure;
Love and life, farewell, farewell!

Softly through the darkened heaven,
Like a vision in the night,
Float the purple wings of even;
No more laughter, no more light.

Close mine eyes, worn out with weeping,
Weary pulses rest as well!
In the dust and silence sleeping,
Love and life, farewell, farewell!


  1. Stunning pictures ♥ xx


  2. Love the black and white! The evocative images you selected provide apt illustration for the exquisitely dark poem. You have a fascinating blog and I look forward to following!

  3. i love your vintage feel for things! these pictures are absolutely stunning, i love the eerie feel that it gives off its genius! the poem at the end goes really well with the pictures i reckon <3 oh and yes, this post gave me chills


  4. Fantastic, haunting, evocative... the one with all the birds in the tree especially made me pause to just stare at it (reminds me of a Wallace Stevens poem - Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird).


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a little comment, I do try to respond back as often as I can. Have a lovely day! xoxo - Rodellee