Trying to reorganize one's life is much harder than reorganizing a closet. And I must admit, I do enjoy organizing closets so very much. Mine in particular was getting quite crazy and sometimes when certain things are perplexing me, it helps to have a little place of solace. In my world, that's my closet which is filled with pretty vintage tops, frilly vintage dresses, and other things I fancy.

Here is the "Before" photo... kind of a crazy mess.

And here it is "After" Ahh... how clean and lovely!
So, in other news... still waiting to hear about the BIG news. I'm crossing my fingers, my toes, my eyes...
haha. I'm basically waiting to hear back if I'll be getting a creative work space soon in the fashion district in downtown LA! It just so happens that one of my good friends shares a studio with one of her friends (also a vintage seller) and that friend is waiting to hear if she was approved for a brick + mortar and if the answer is yes then that means that soon I'll finally have a studio to work out of and will no longer have to work in my tiny little apartment (which the past couple months has really proven to be difficult!)
Wow, sorry for that gigantic run on sentence!
Anyhow, having a studio space means so many many wonderful things! We'll have a place to shoot product photos that I won't have to dismantle every time. I'll have a shipping station, things will be much more organized and more functional for work. Working out of a 450 square foot apartment and using the kitchen counters as a shipping station (and pantry as storage) isn't exactly ideal...
Needless to say I'm on pins and needles waiting if it's "yes" or "no" as a few other things are pending on this answer. (More on that later...I don't want to put all my eggs in one basket!) But on an end note, here are some more closet photos...