Anyhow, not trying to be mystic, this was just an odd way for me to segway into my desire to travel to Scotland and Ireland someday (and of course Great Britain) Heck, just make it easier, I'd love to go to the UK!
I don't know why I immediately think of wool, things of the equestrian sort, and grey when I think of Scotland. But I do, hence the outfit inspiration! And I'm just dying over these horse earrings! Really, when one will go to the UK, one must have such dandy earrings!
Where have you always wanted to travel to?
The link/shop list here: Prim & Scot
Hello! One thing I say you must do is chase this dream and get to the UK. I lived in Ireland (the republic) for two years when I was 11/12 and I can say it is one of the most beautiful places in the world, and an entirely different world from Australia. The same can be said for Scotland, which I visited. If you're a B&B person, there are so many cosy, lovely B&Bs. :D And just amazing sights to see
Thanks Meg! I am definitely a B&B person. I adore them and when I do visit the UK I will be staying in one.